Friday 22 January 2010

Joomla! Extensions Directory

Joomla! Extensions Directory

Automatic Joomla Categories

Posted: 22 Jan 2010 09:44 PM PST

If you have a blog or other content based website and like to keep your Joomla articles organized in neat categories this component may be a big help to you... Lets imagine you have a Joomla website with a section named "Blog". Inside your blog section you have nicely organized categories such as "January 2010", and inside this category you have all of your blog articles from January 2010. Every month you will need to create a new category in your blog section named "Month Year", This isnt such a big deal you might think, not much work involved there? - Your right... But what if you have a news website, or some other sort of article based website with lots of sections? - Could you imagine having to create 60 or more new categories every month just to keep your articles organized? Would it be worth it? of course not. But what if you could make it as easy as clicking one button? Thats why I created this simple Joomla extension. "Automatic Categories" component. Using this simple component you can automatically create a new set of categories inside your sections. We understand that you will have sections that you will not want to create new categories inside of every month, this is the reason that you must create your sections with this component. This is v1.0 of this component so I welcome all feedback. Note: If you already have your sections created and dont want to mess about moving the articles over, you can add "sectype=articles" without quotes into the relevant section's "params" field in the jos_section table using something like phpmyadmin, we can provide you with this service if necessary.


Posted: 22 Jan 2010 09:40 PM PST

AtomiconGalleryAtomiconGallery is a lightweight database-less gallery. The gallery is developed with the ease of use and designers in mind. Easy to implement and use for both you and/or your clients. The whole gallery setup is so transparent you can easily customize the gallery without being a Joomla! guru. It has a thumbnail generator/images resizer, you can add descriptions to your images. It also makes use of the fabulous slimbox. But that can also be easily overridden with your own lightbox implementation. * Thumbnail and Image generation Creating thumbnails and resizing images * Easy implementation Installation is easy and the parameters are easy to follow * Transparent and clear CSS The CSS setup is very transparent making it easy to customize for designers * Runs out of the box It runs straight out of the box * Easy navigation Users can easily navigate through the gallery * Languages Easily translate the gallery (support for three languages initially: English, Dutch and German)

Mod Macy Twitter

Posted: 22 Jan 2010 09:37 PM PST

Mod Macy TwitterHappy new year 2k10!!!!!! Le module Macy Twitter est un module basé sur le widget de Twitter. Il permet d'afficher les tweets d'un profile ou la liste des tweets d'un profile. This a joomla module based on the Twitter widget. This module can show a tweeter profile or a Twitter list (managed from the Twitter profile). Demo site Les parametres classiques du widget sont gérés depuis l'administration, commme les parametres graphiques (couleurs du theme, la hauteur, la largeur, l'affichage de la scrollbar ou des avatars, etc...), comme les parametres de fonctionnement (Live, nb tweets, boucle et intervalle, etc...) The common parameters are managed from the backoffice, like the graphics things (colors, height, width, scrollbar, avatars) or the utilities things (live, nb. tweets, loop, interval, etc...) Ps : Sry for my bad english :)

KC Cufón Fornt Replacement

Posted: 22 Jan 2010 09:35 PM PST

KC Cufón Fornt ReplacementCufón is a JavaScript based font replacement technique so you can use non-web based fonts on your website. This plugin integrates Cufón fonts in your Joomla 1.5 website. The plugin allows you to add up to 4 different fonts to your site and any number of different selectors for each font. Use normal CSS to change the attributes of your Cufón font selectors. Cufón is faster than sIFR.


Posted: 22 Jan 2010 09:33 PM PST

simpleSwitchsimpleSwitch - switch parts of your templates on/off per page ! It's specific purpose is to enable you to switch parts of a template on/off per page, independently of the presence of other modules and/or other module-positions. I needed a way show specific HTML/script-parts only on 1 or 2 pages of my website and sure did NOT want to have to deal with article/category/section-ids manually, so i wrote this tiny switch-module that allows me as well as any other admin to publish / unpublish that specific parts of my template per page and do so comfortably via Joomla!-backend. The usage is very simple: <?php if($this->countModules('myIndependentPosition')) : ?>       my very content ( HTML, PHP, JS, Meta-tag, IMG or whatsoever ) goes here ... and will later only be expressed on the page if the simpleSwitch module is 'shown' on that page <?php endif; ?> You use it just like any other module: You can show it only on specific pages of your website, or on all pages or on none. This can be defined the usual way in the module-manager → module "simpleSwitch" Since the switch is realized as a module, you can create an own position for the module in your template if u want, so your free to use it wherever you want in your template, even for instance in the header ( i.g. if you want to controll the inbind of a .css or .js - file or so ) Tip: You can clone the switch via the "copy" function in the modul-manager in case you need several switches in your template !

Ultimate Live Chat

Posted: 22 Jan 2010 09:29 PM PST

Ultimate Live ChatThis software allows you (the website operator) to be able to provide livechat support to your website's visitors right from your desktop. You can use it to communicate with your clients, or start an instant messaging community for your website. You can also monitor your website activity in real-time and view detailed information about your visitors including their geo-graphical location, referring website, pages they have visited, and more... With a quick and easy three step installation, you can be all setup within a few minutes. No server configuration changes needed and you don't need any technical skills. Ultimate Live Chat is the best deal on the internet, guaranteed! Download it and try it for free. There are no hidden costs, or recurring fees! * Livechat from your desktop - Communicate with your customers right from your desktop. * Unlimited operators and computers - You can create as many operators as you like. * Unlimited concurrent chat sessions - You can chat with as many people at the same time as you like. * Supports multiple websites - Livechat for all your websites from one application. * Monitor your website activity in realtime - Monitor and view in-depth information on your website's visitors. * Route livechat requests - Pre-define which operators will receive a request based on a criteria or by page. * Ring operators simultaneously or in order - Ring all the operators at the same time or ring operators in order. * Leave messages when offline - Your clients can leave a message when you are offline. * Typing status notifications - Displays realtime operator/client is typing status notifications. * Transfer chat sessions - Transfer chat sesisons between operators. * Email session transcripts - Send the entire livechat session transcript in an email. * SSL support - Use secure encrypted communication. * Global and user-defined canned responses - Pre-define common responses for operators. * Identify registered users - View a users registration details. * View Chat History - Search or browse chat session history. * Customizable Look & Feel - Completely customize the look and feel with CSS. * Operators in different locations - Operators can be located in different geo-graphical locations. * Operator to operator chat - Chat with other operators. * Operator Permissions - Assign specific permissions to certain operators. * Proxy support - built-in proxy support. * Portable - Easily take your live support with you from location to location. * Professional user-friendly interface - A professional, easy to use interface for you and your clients. * Easy & quick installation - You can be all setup within a couple minutes! * Supports many languages - Including: English, Czech, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Romanian, Malay, Polish. * Compatible

JG BlackJack

Posted: 22 Jan 2010 09:26 PM PST

Use You any points system on Your site? This component is for You and Your users! Your users can play BlackJack game for their points with one another! Features: * Easy ajax creating challenge for any player or specially defined for any points or just so * Ajax scoreboard * Complete games, challenges, scoreboard and recent activity pages * JG BlackJack work on Joomla 1.5 native and Joomla 1.0 too. * Support for AUP, JomSocial and Karma points system * Full Language support * Social networking integration - Community Builder, JomSocial, Kunena and Fireboard * PMS integration - UddeIm and Enhanced PMS * Shoutbox integration - Risp Ajax Shoutbox and SMO Ajax Shoutbox * Configurable Automatic delete unactive challenges * and other! Subscribe today for download all our gaming extensions!

Xbox Live Gamercard

Posted: 22 Jan 2010 09:22 PM PST

Xbox Live GamercardThis is a module that grabs your Xbox Live Gamercard from the Live server and keeps a local copy to display on your Joomla site. This is a stand-alone Gamercard module, unlike existing Gamercard modules which are extension specific. Features/parameters: > 'Refresh Time' to specify when to update local version > 'Alignment' of the Gamercard in the module position (left, center, right) > 'CSS Source'; use the default CSS that comes with the module or use your own custom CSS in your template CSS file.

Arcade Button

Posted: 22 Jan 2010 09:21 PM PST

Arcade ButtonArcade Button by This module will place an arcade style button on your site. This module is perfect if you want an attention drawing button which will atract visitors to click on it. This would be great to use as a link to a featured article, photo, or game. Module options include: Button Color: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, or Blue. Link: Change the link to any URL, (example Link opens in: Same Window or New Window. Size: Change the width and height to best fit your template. Align: Left, Center, or Right within the module position. Text: above and below the button that also supposrts HTML tags.

Mod Social

Posted: 22 Jan 2010 09:07 PM PST

Mod SocialSmall, easy and configurable module, which provides you integration of common bookmarking services like Google Bookmarks, Facebook, Twitter, Stumble Uppon etc. Fits perfectly into "syndicate" or "footer" below content. Features: # Integrated stylesheet directly into the module. No need to modify other css files. # Change design of module via stylesheet in modules/mod_social/styles/social.css # Native Joomla 1.5.x # Language independent (only icons, no text) # Social bookmark services can be enabled and disabled. Choose among: Google, Twitter, Windows Live, Facebook, StudiVZ MeinVZ SchülerVZ, MySpace,, Digg, Folkd, Linkarena, Mister Wong, Newsvine, Reddit, Stumble Uppon, Yahoo, Bookmarks, Yigg # Free of superfluous text # Design via CSS # Free of javascript # Parsing of page title to the service # Easy to integrate into containers "footer" or "syndicate"

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